Characteristics of Centralised Public Procurement

SpeakerMr Flach (BBG), Mr Nemec (AN Public Sector Consulting)
(Part 1; 4 hours),
Ms Russo (Consip S.p.A) (Part 2; 4 hours)
Duration8 hours

Learning Objectives

After completing the module, the participants will be able to…

Part 1: Success Factors for Implementation

  • understand the legal background for aggregated procurement
  • illustrate the increasing requirements for public procurement organisations and functions
  • define and analyse the key decisions of building a CPBs
  • compare the advantages and disadvantages of different organisational structures
  • critical success factors for implementation

Part 2: Success Factors in Stakeholder Communication

  • describe one of the most long-lasting public procurement reforms in the EU
  • analyse the European CPB context
  • exploit the potentials of correct and appropriate communication
  • design a communication strategy and communication plan
  • identify target audience
  • address target audience with appropriate communication tools and contents
  • share good practices from CPB’s communications
  • learn from the roles played by CPBs during the pandemic