Jeppe Groot

©Torsten Grunwald.

Policy Analyst 
MAPS Secretariat

Professionalization in Public Procurement 


Special Field of Expertise

In a national context I’ve worked with both operational procurement, tendering and managing mandatory framework agreements for the Danish central government on software and IT services in particular, as well as advising institutions on various aspects of procurement, and procurement policy, including developing frameworks for analysing organisational capacity and authoring the Danish government’s GPP strategy.

At the MAPS Secretariat I support countries and development partners in assessing the performance of country procurement systems. Through this I get a wide and comprehensive view of the latest developments in countries’ efforts to improve their public procurement systems across the globe.


Formal Education and Career History

  • MSc Business Administration and Philosophy
  • MAPS Secretariat (2021-current)
  • Danish Ministry of Finance (2016-2021)
  • Copenhagen Business School (2015-2018)